No longer feel helpless when you see struggling bee! Attach this small and handy bee revival kit to your keys and be ready to save the day when you notice a struggling bee. This sleek and stylish design allows you to carry a small tube of sugar water on the go so you never have to walk past a bee in need again. When you see a little bee in need feed them a few drops of your bee medicine and watch them fly away stronger and happier!
This is a meaningful and unique gift for any animal lover, put a smile on their face and help them give back to the tiny bees that help our planet everyday.
How to know if a bee is tired and struggling Often these insects can get a bit tired and start struggling on their pollinating journey from flower to hive. If they land on a windowsill or someplace other than a flower, they may be tired and struggling and need your urgent help. This revival kit provides an emergency sugar water solution to revive a tired, struggling bee so it can continue its pollinating work.
What to do once you have helped the bee Once you have fed the tired, struggling insect with this sugar water revival kit, it is best to place them on a flower if they haven’t flown off yet. This way they can feed off the nectar when they have the strength. You've done your job and can get on with your day feeling positive.
Should you give bees sugar water Revival sugar water solution is a good quick energy source for a tired, struggling bee. But do not leave this out. It will attract honeybees who will become dependent on the sugar and take this back to the hive instead of beneficial, nutrient dense nectar.
Does sugar water help all tired bees Unfortunately, some bees will be naturally coming to the end of their life and sadly you won't be able to save all the bees with this sugar water revival kit. Giving any tired, struggling insect sugar water from this revival kit allows them to have the greatest chance of survival.